Bede in the Community

Bede works to bring our community together through a wide variety of activities. Our aim is to unite people of different backgrounds, ages, interests and abilities. We believe that everyone is important to our area and can play a positive role within it.

Many people are involved with Bede as volunteers, and our buildings are community assets used by locals.

Thanks to coaching from Millwall Football Club our Bede football team won the trophy in the disability football Special League.

Bede Learning Disabilities project partners with Millwall FC to field a successful team in the local disability football Special League. We were excited to win the league last year! In March 2019 we also completed a research project concerning Millwall football club and its diverse local community. Discover the findings and read the story of its support.

We regularly organise community events from seasonal fairs to open days. Art exhibitions and performances by the choir of Clare College, Cambridge are further calendar highlights.

Local companies choose Bede as their charity, so employees can get involved in our projects. There’s nothing like having fun while raising much-needed funds!

In addition, Clare College, Cambridge sponsors an annual placement at Bede for a postgraduate student. We are proud to enjoy historic links with this great university and hugely grateful for their support.

Contact us

Gwen Green

Email us:

Call: 020 7237 3881